From their Facebook page; Firstly, as if it's June already! Secondly, this weather is so lush we've decided to go all out this month so we hope you can join us!
6 June - Early Riser's Sound Bath - SOLD OUT however @signaturesoundtherapy has booked more events with us, if you missed out this time round, then boom your ticket for July via Gemma direct.
15th June - Seagrass Talk 6.30pm tickets are £6 pp and can be booked via fishcombecovecafe@gmail.com
17 June - the lovely @luna_v_dj_ will be gracing us with her presence & funky disco tunes for a Summer Party on the Cove 6.30 - 8.30pm
24 June - @benfour_4 is coming down to join us, he will be bringing all the good vibes with Beach House classics 6 -9pm